In need of contributors!
AMFPHP needs:
- More AS2 based example files
- CakeAmfPhp development for Cake experts
- AMF3 and JSON support
- Taking care of the showcase section of the site
- Mirrors for the video tutorials
If you think you can help, send an email of to Wade Arnold at $wade.arnold->t8design(com)

Playing with the sourcecode
If you want to play with the AMFPHP core, you will need to access the anonymous AMFPHP CVS repository to get the bleeding edge files. Here’s the info:
AMF3/AMF0 (1.9Beta/2.0 branch)
URL of Repository:
Browse Repository
AMF0 (1.2 branch)
protocol: pserver
login: anonymous
CVSROOT: /cvsroot/amfphp
module: sources
If you’ve never used SVN/CVS before, grab TortoiseCVS for Windows, install, restart, create a new folder, right-click in explorer, checkout module, then enter the above info, and that will get you the source.
To gain write access to the SVN/CVS server, do a good contribution to AMFPHP and send it to Wade Arnold at $wade.arnold->t8design(com) and he’ll grant you access to the project.