Amfphp and frameworks
One of amfphp’s major design goals was for it not be a framework. Another one was to play nice with other frameworks. Here are a few projects that integrate amfphp.
If you are working on integrating with another project please notify us or post a link on the wiki. Documentation on the various approaches to integrating amfphp in other frameworks is on the way.
WordPress is the most popular blog backend for PHP. AWI integrates amfphp and WordPress seemlessly. Read about it here (in Spanish) and download it here (in English).

CakePHP is a Ruby-on-Rails-inspired framework which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. CakeAmfphp integrates amfphp and CakePHP seamlessly.
Drupal is a powerful open-source content management platform. A Drupal integration module is now available (beta).
Seagull is a mature OOP framework for building web, command line and GUI applications. Amfphp integration was recently added to SVN.
PostNuke is software that creates an impressive, dynamic web site and provides the webmaster with a site they can administer with a minimal amount of HTML knowledge through a web browser. Amfphp integration is currently being worked on.
We would love to have more frameworks/CMS/blog systems working with amfphp. Most wanted are:
- WordPress
- TextPattern
- Symfony
- Code Ignitor
Please contact us if you’re interested in working on an integration, we’ll help you out.