Several remote methods are defined in this service. Focusing on the getOrderList function, we have:
class pizzaService {
var $ordertable = "amfphp_orders"; // the orders table
var $pizzatable = "amfphp_pizzas"; // the pizzas table
/* mysql_connect and mysql_select_db are in the constructor */
function getOrderList ()
$sql = "SELECT o.order_id as orderid, o.order_status as status, o.order_name as name, p.pizza_id as pizzaid, p.pizza_details as details, p.pizza_quantity as quantity FROM $this->ordertable o, $this->pizzatable p WHERE o.order_id = p.order_id AND o.order_status=1 ORDER BY o.order_time";
return mysql_query($sql);
/* Other methods below */}

The ActionScript code for getting the order list looks like the following:
import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;
var gatewayUrl:String = "";
service = new Service(gatewayUrl, null, "pizzaService");
var pc:PendingCall = service.getOrderList();
pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "handleGetOrderList", null);
function handleGetOrderList(re:ResultEvent)
var rs:RecordSet = RecordSet(re.result);
for(var i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) {
var item = rs.getItemAt(i);
//item is an object with keys orderid, status, etc.
The resource returned by MySQL query is automatically converted to the corresponding ActionScript type, mx.remoting.RecordSet. You didn’t have to loop through your query, you didn’t have to explode URL-encoded strings on a pipe (|) separator, you didn’t have to write code to generate XML, you didn’t have to use xml.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[i].
What if we wanted to send an argument to the remote method? Then we would simply call service.getOrderList(firstArg). firstArg could be a string, a number, an array, or an object, and we would receive the corresponding types in php. As you can see, you don’t have to worry about serializing and deserializing your data, instantiating your class, or making sure the method exists before calling this, as amfphp does all of this for you. You can grab the PHP source here and the Flash source in the ARP example apps.